
Music Video Premiere: Racyne Parker on "Fall Too Easy" | Westword - Westword

Musician Racyne Parker got her start as a singer-songwriter playing gigs at county fairs in her home state of Oregon. Then in 2019, she released her first recordings. Itching to join a new music scene and tired of being in a long-distance relationship with her fiance, who was in grad school in Colorado, she packed up and joined him in March of this year — just as the pandemic hit the state.

Now, she's releasing a new music video for "Fall Too Easy," a country song about restlessness and the pains of long-distance love. The video was shot in August, from a safe social distance, by Chandler Bobbitt, owner of Madison Street Studios, at a private beach in Southern Oregon and just outside of Brookings, Oregon.

The song, inspired by her own uncertainty about her relationship, pays homage to some of the characters from the music she listened to in her childhood, including the Allman Brothers Band's "Ramblin' Man" and Billy Joe and Bobby Sue from the Steve Miller Band's "Take the Money and Run."

"It’s the idea of somebody falling in love with you, but you’re leaving," she explains. "You’re on your way to the next town. It’s beautiful for a moment, but then it ends."

Parker says the vocals on the track are rough around the edges, but she likes it that way; the imperfections convey the raw emotions she felt while writing and recording the song.

Back in March, Parker was excited to move to Denver and start performing at venues and meeting people in the music scene. But, she says the doors were shutting before she even arrived.

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"As I [was] driving the U-Haul to move here, even the Starbucks was closed," she recalls. "Everything was closing that week."

While she hasn't been able to make waves — or even many friends — in the city's music scene yet, she has been focused on writing new music and shifting away from country toward indie rock. She says she enjoys the feeling of being on stage and playing an upbeat rock song to a crowd.

As much as she loves writing ballads, Parker says: "There’s just something about being able to do both."

"Fall Too Easy" is out now on most streaming platforms.

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Music Video Premiere: Racyne Parker on "Fall Too Easy" | Westword - Westword
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