
McDonald's on ouster of Easterbrook: Difficult but not misplayed - Crain's Chicago Business

Values are the bedrock of McDonald's, and for more than 60 years, those values have guided the company and the board's decision-making. A recent Crain's column ("How did McDonald's misplay the Easterbrook exit? Let us count the ways," Aug. 13) disregards the many ways in which we have upheld those values. At the same time, the premise of the column deters anyone in corporate America from acting when confronted with new, disturbing information. That is regressive for society.

When the company learned of an allegation concerning its former CEO Steve Easterbrook's behavior at the end of October 2019, the board immediately retained independent counsel to investigate it. After receiving a detailed report of the investigation, the board took swift and decisive action to terminate this CEO on Nov. 1, because his conduct reflected a lack of judgment that made it impossible for them to trust his ability to steward the company's culture. I was new in my position when this transpired, and I was struck by the company's transparency.

At the time, market observers and governance experts commended the board's decision. The board appointed Chris Kempczinski as CEO. On week 1, Chris and our chairman, Rick Hernandez, gathered members of the company. The point was clear: We take our values seriously. Rick told the company: "No one is above the very core principles that guide us as a company, each of us and all of us collectively."

In July 2020, the company received an anonymous report alleging that a McDonald's employee engaged in a sexual relationship with the former CEO. Once again, the board took action, launching an investigation that ultimately revealed the former CEO destroyed evidence and lied to investigators and the board in 2019.

McDonald's, at the board's direction, filed litigation to recover contractual compensation Easterbrook had retained upon his departure from the company. There is little precedent for a lawsuit against a former CEO such as the one filed by McDonald's.

A difficult situation, yes. But misplayed, not at all. McDonald's has sent a strong and consistent message throughout our system—and corporate America—that there is zero tolerance for behavior that is inconsistent with the company's values. I implore readers of this publication to consider these facts when confronted with basic questions of right and wrong and to not allow the author's thesis to dissuade you from reaching the necessary conclusion.

Vice president of global communications, McDonald's

What about who's staying?

How very sad that Crain's has decided to generate drama and doom with a new white-flight narrative, in H. Lee Murphy's piece on Aug. 12 ("Homeowners questioning city life after this week's unrest").

Murphy's source—real estate agents—will only notice sales and those looking to buy or sell. They will never notice those of us who don't talk to them—because we have no intention of leaving. People who flee the city at the first sign of trouble are like those who cry, "Sell everything!" when the stock market takes a downturn. Smart investors know not to follow their panicky lead.

In times of trouble in cities, certain residents will naturally and normally think of leaving, and indeed leave. That's not a news story. What about those of us who choose to stay? Isn't that where the real story is? What research or outreach have you done to talk to Chicagoans who are proud and happy to stay in the city and will not abandon it in times of trouble?

Why is your first impulse to ask, "Who's leaving?" instead of "Who's staying?"


The real issue

I hope you are considering more incisive articles about the most recent looting, because "People will sell and move if they get scared, hopefully, one of our leaders comes up with a smart plan" is not worth the price of my subscription. It's not nearly enough.

Your focus should be "The price of disinvestment," which is the real issue in Chicago for 70 years. The billions of dollars in value the Chicago area misses out on because too many neighborhoods (even ones with great access to the Loop) are unattractive to potential residents and investors. We pay the price heavily every day—in lives lost, lost tax revenue, and courtroom and policing expenses. And that all adds up to lost international reputation.

Are the same affluent folks who are fighting a progressive income tax the same folks who are surprised when stores in their neighborhoods are being looted by angry young people? In the middle of a pandemic?

It is the ultimate poetry of Chicago. Complain about taxes; leave terrible neighborhoods terrible; act scared and surprised when there is high crime that eventually reaches the Gold Coast.

As someone who grew up around "the hood" and has a background in urban planning and education, they need: better schools with far lower student-to-staff ratios than those in successful neighborhoods; subsidized child care; adequate family services; and workforce development programs.

All before we can even pretend to hope for a future wherein these areas are not a drain on the city and state. We pretend Chicago doesn't have the money; enough Chicagoans have the money. For an international city, you pay international-level taxes to receive that level of service. Are we looking to be another Des Moines and Kansas City, or New York and London?


This has to stop

Thank you, Steven Levy, for expressing what all business owners, homeowners, apartment dwellers and business employees all feel ("Message to mayor: 'The homeowners we represent do not feel safe,' " Aug. 12). Add in the countless service and delivery people that must drive into the city each day to deliver products and services. This has to stop, now, today! Allow the police to do their jobs, use force as necessary and back them up by incarcerating all of the perpetrators. Stop making social justice excuses for this total lack of civility. There is no such thing as a "crime of opportunity." A crime is a crime, and until Lightfoot, Foxx and Pritzker recognize this, we will continue to have chaos in the streets. Oh, and where are our congressman and senators hiding?

Western Springs

Let's get to the root

The root of the problem has not even begun to be addressed ("Enough already! Time for Foxx, Lightfoot, judges to do their jobs," Aug. 10). As long as we as a society kick the can down the road, the original sin of our nation will continue to fester and the eruptions will get worse; how else will attention be paid? It certainly has been ignored for a very long time, enabling the systemic racism cemented in place over decades, centuries. Mr. Hinz seems to think quelling the outbursts are the paramount goal, and certainly doesn't want to "point the finger" at those of us who have profited from an unjust system.

He writes: "If this city is going to survive and thrive, if it's to have the tax base needed for schools and any number of other things, it needs a secure and safe central area."

Until all areas of our city are secure and safe, we do not deserve to have any area feel that way.


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August 22, 2020 at 02:58AM

McDonald's on ouster of Easterbrook: Difficult but not misplayed - Crain's Chicago Business
"difficult" - Google News

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